- Assessment of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) Properties of Ti-6AL-4V BA
- Current AFGROW Release Overview
- Demonstration of Normalized Stress Correction Factor to Compute the Stress Intensity Factors for an Elliptical Surface Crack in a Stepped Flat Tension Bar
- Development of fatigue crack growth rates from corner crack tests
- Prediction of Full Field Residual Stress in Arbitrary Bodies Using ERS-toolbox
- Quantifying the Impact of the Modified Residual Stress State at a Cold Expanded Hole, Due to the Presence of a Fatigue Crack, on a Fatigue Life Prediction Using BAMF
- Round-Robin Testing, Fractography and Crack Growth Rate Data
- Stress Ratio Influence on da dN with the Generalized Willenborg Model
- The Future of BAMF
- The Redesigned AFMAT Crack Growth Database